I'm Nadine Shaw-Landesvatter, Owner of BreathWorks CPR® LLC
I am more than excited to welcome you to the BreathWorks CPR® site. You are here on this site because you have decided that NOW is the time; NOW is the year, to make a difference in someone's life by learning to save a life.
I'm very excited to offer an opportunity to experience BreathWorks CPR®, a new, unique, fun, interactive way of learning how to assist in saving lives. In a BreathWorks CPR® class you'll experience a relaxed, sociable, non-intimidating, hands-on approach in CPR training.
You'll learn:
Adult, child and Infant CPR
Using an AED
Performing abdominal thrusts for choking victims
Controlling bleeding
Heat and Cold Related Emergencies plus much, much more.
You'll leave feeling prepared and ready to perform, in response to an emergency situation, with confidence.
All trainings include books and two year certification cards (upon completion of course).
I'm a Certified CPR/First Aid Instructor. I'm certified in Community, Professional Rescuers and Pediatrics CPR. I'm also a Certified Phlebotomy Technician, a certified Medical Assistant Instructor, and a certified Medical Assistant. I'm also a member of the National Association EMS Educators (NAEMSE). I've over 10 years experience in the medical field. I am also a certified (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) AFAA Group Exercise Instructor and a licensed Zumba® Fitness instructor (www.nadines.zumba.com) .
I've been teaching CPR and First Aid for over 8 years. I've taught classes with UC Berkeley, 24 Hour Fitness, Safeway Stores, FLEX Circuit Studio, VA Regional Office, Curves, Solar City, Golden State Residential Adult Program (GSRAP), Mount Diablo Unified School District, Bay Area Adult Community Services (BACS), Flexi-Van, Con Sabor Cubano Dance and Fitness Studio, and many, many more.
Here's What People Have to Say about BreathWorks CPR®:
"Nadine was great. She explained well. I loved her class"
Keila N., CSCDF (Con Sabor Cubano Dance & Fitness)
"Thoroughly competent instructor. Very professional with
good mixture of humor to hold attention" Bobbie S.
" I feel more prepared to handle emergencies at the club and at home and abroad" Curves, Union City
"Nadine addressed how "rescuer" would feel in the situation when faced with an emergency. She helped me feel more confident to just go ahead and use what I learned" Connie B., Curves Fremont
"Creativity was great! Personality made the class fun. Practicing hands-on approach helped for retention" Sam N.
